Monday, February 26, 2007

Drunk rambeling #1

Ok, so I'm drunk.
Perhaps a bit beyond drunk since I was drinking absenth with a friend who's here for a visit. *we drank half a leter of the shit between us and she's smaller than I am* (a whole whopping 108 lbs). My friend , Also a 3rd generation Miam native, informs me of all the development along Useless one ( US1) between the end of the pike ( Florida turnpike) and Key West in the last 3 years since my visit home * hey I'm a broke ass secritary I can't go home every year* . And I trip the fuck out and call a friend in the islands who says "call your uncle Charlie. He's ready to leave Marathon ( an island in the midle keys) and head the fuck up to Georgia."
Simeon Frow (my 4x great grand dad) came to Key West from Spain via the Bahammas in the 1820's, our family has been in south Florida since ( OK his brother Josef went to N.Carolina but I'm decended from a child of Sineon *Joseph if you must know*) and now the only ones left in the area are my father ( in the grove) my Uncle Charlie ( marathon) ansd my near 90 yearold grand pa Floyd ( also on Marathon) and my sons by a first marrage ( unless great aunt Fey is still alive and in S.Maimai) and all this because my family can't take it when they start with another round of development?
The guilt trips hit again * and hard this time*. My family screwed up when they startted to sell their land * Jonh William was the first to buy and later sell land in The Grove and talked his dad (Simeon) and brothers,including my great great great grandpa and his brother Charlie who died at 25 ,and my great great great grandfather Joe in to buying land till we owned nearly half the town. And now we have no say over what happens down there because every thing was sold over they years * my father ended up a shrimp boat operator working for for some prick weed transplant* Someone Fucking shoot me!

I honestly don't get it. How could this shit happen? We have sea crocks, manatee and species of turtle and dolphin who breed in this area aren't some of these animals endangered? shouldn't these areas be protected and shit?

Fortunatly it's like 6PM over there ( yeaterday) so I do call uncle Charlie and learn this shit is true! There are skyscarpers in the Keys ( he hasn't been off the islands in 20 years *last time he saw"Last Chance"it had another name and was a dive for locals only*) and people are makin offers on his little bit of land *1/2 acrer in one place and 2 acers in another on Marathon island plus a house in The grove* ( he's a childless man of 61 so the developers are on him like stink on shit) . I know I've had fuckers on me to sell my property n the grove *it's just off grand ave* but wholy fuck!

I drip some more sugar water on to thr highly intoxicating green liquid and go on with my visit.

I have a rental just doors down and across th street from the Stoneman Douglas house. I can do without the $520 I get in rent after the agents cut (mind you I pay grove taxes after this). I need to go home.

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